Cool beans.
What even happens in this here thread?
Um... are they though?
Alright, I half expected that. I was kinda trying to cheat with uploading them :P Give me a second, and... boom. Original links fixed.
Alright! Finally got it done. I've got three versions for you: The main version, which I'm personally not so sure about, since I don't know...
Aight dude, I've got the first part done. I've animated a single kind of drip and just thought I'd show you my progress: Whatcha think so far?...
Oof, liquid stuff, eh? I can't guarantee anything pretty, but I'll try my best! Just keep in mind that the entire thing will be as much practice...
So, are you still journalisting?
So, sir, what may I reanimate for you?
Congrats! This feels right :) NOW FIX EVERYTHING
Well voiced, my good man.