This thread is devoted to asking about the careers people have or the careers they want to have. I want to be a cinematographer/Director.
Wow, hawt, and they do look a little similar. That is creepy.
That doesn't look offensive at all, but if you were stereotypicall(spelling?) about yourself, I can understand...
That was really cool.
Deftinately, and he will OWN CHINA!
That's amazing. God bless. Those people finally have a chance to lead a normal life.
I would seriously love to have terrain mold, but that won't happen, so I'd be ok with a 90 degree snap.
I like the map, but the post makes it a little confuzzling. But great map, 8/10.
Great map and I like the idea. 9/10.
This map looks great! I DL'd.
These Are great keep making more, now that forging is much more advanced!
That looks awesome. And the fact that this was posted back in January makes it that much more outstanding! Congrats, 10/10!
That was friggen hilarious.
I saw this a while ago, epic win on the buffalo calf part. But the lions got owned when the crocodile came out.