Actually, this sums up everything.
Every second this game is sounding worse and worse.
); Bye bye Halo. We had a great time together nonetheless. EDIT: Ah **** I know I'm gonna buy this **** anyways like the sheep I am. Darn this...
Changed from my perspective. It could have to do with my bad connection and that Halo 3 could handle it better or something. Cause all those...
[IMG] Really though, I HATE and completely despise this peice of **** called the DMR. It's unsmooth and the hitscan is crap too. And then...
Oh thanks god. When I continued reading trough pages here my heart started beating faster and I got a bit nervous. I could'nt believe the end was...
Nope. I'm here. I was probably the only one who didn't got tired of Flood. I wish they would have less ''dig deep in flood territory to find...
I know that feel bro. Thank god I'm not the only one.
Couldn't agree more. Same thing.
I have to agree. I wasn't really reffering to you, but people with gamertags like xxXXxxXxxXXXXqUicKsCoooPezZzZZZZxxXXx420pr0MLGxxXXxX.
I have to say, I was surprised when I saw this, cause I couldn't remember making this Thread. On topic, you're not the only one experiencing...
Jeeeee :)
Now really I wouldn't have noticed any of that. I think those are just miniscule things, even for a aesthetic Map. I think it's good as it is.
I say Reach-CE-2-ODST-3 It is not completely clear where ODST plays, but the battle for new Mombasa was from Halo 2 to Halo 3.
America needs a national anthem fitting with the country. Post possibilites here. [OFFICIAL] Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga -...
It somehow almost always happens to me that Red Team uses and wastes lots of equipment(Weapons, Grenades, Vehicles) and Blue team is mostly barebones.
Can I tell you guys a joke? MW3. EDIT: ****, got infracted by this. ... Totally worth it. Anyways, back on topic, I don't really like...
That's over 9000!
Bad players like bad designs.