If the shotgun becomes a choosable primary and it is nerfed, I hope they do up the fire rate so I can pretend it's a mauler. I'd use Firepower and...
I mean, someone has to keep this alive, amirite? I don't remember the other thing they changed but they added Zombie Ghosts to Infection. Humans...
Me too! I have to say, those loadouts might not be that bad. They will definitely change up gameplay and can enhance the role of a certain...
Anyone remember in Halo PC how as you got more kills, you'd walk slower? I loved that really. Now they reward people for killing so they can kill...
WTF people, are you gonna complain about the friggin' sounds now? The gameplay apparently will be awesome, the weapons are awesome, the realtime...
Haha 343 has been able to surprise us big time. The multiplayer which was fast and chaotic reminded me of Halo 3. Thanks 343, thanks. All those...
I think that Spartan Ops will be a game mode using some stock maps and 343i will just place objectives and AIs to resemble small missions. Kinda...
Those elites got chicken skin. As if jackals weren't enough. Give us flame weapons and we can have a nice BBQ.
Prize/Throphy... Close enough. However, MW3 also kinda ripped off Infection, Invasion Slayer and Headhunter.
Riot Shield. What's next? Prize Sistem? Abnormal Conditioning? Dropper Zone? (MW3 references BTW)
I lol'd. Also, dat bulletproof Emblem.
That is indeed much more awesome. Edited by merge: Also, can't they just show us pictures without camos? And gun camo that adapts to the Map...
Me too :( 343i, can you give us one good thing? Something that both COD kiddies and the real Halo players would appreciate? We want Halo 3...
Again, this. I mean, who not? Someone said that people would be more reckless with grenades then but I'd prefer more grenades over getting...
343i pls.
Yeah, the betrayal system is big crap. I started counting how many times I got the boot option after getting betrayed and it was like 1 out of 10...
343 just went full retard. Just when we were trying to focus on other stuff and start thinking positively and hope the perks and unlocks won't be...
Hey, I'm a casual player(I love Infection and my KD can kiss my ass) and I still hate these changes.
What the f*ck? Has this been confirmed? I hope it's one of those Precusors/Prometheans/Forerunners whatever Weapons, cause this would be a lame...
I hope MC won't be the only human. Only a few allies would be nice. How about Pete Stacker and Mendoza? You can't make Halo without them.