It would be cool but lots of people would say ''omg that is stolen from mw3!11!!11!!''.
I just downloaded it lillegally two weeks ago though I will buy it once I beat The End but for now I'm having a lot of fun. I'm really far on my...
Sorry I suddenly quit, my xbox was overheating and it scared the crap out of my dad who thought it could explode lol.
You motherfucking campers with your silenced ACRs **** you MW3 **** **** ****. Not sure if this is allowed here but I'm just following the title.
no **** bra i just said that in Reach you had more budget and stuff was more expensive, which is comparable with inflation in real life.
Hai guise, sorry to burst your bubble but if we get more budget objects will also be more expensive. It's called inflation. In Halo 3 you only got...
Deal. Thinking about it, it's stun that pisses me off more than the actual damage.
[IMG] It's a game.
Welcome to the Forum. I still feel like I just joined actually so don't ask me anything about this site cause I don't know anything. I haven't...
I got a 250 GB Hard drive. Halo 4, come at me bro.
That looks so good. I've never played the Beta cause I bought my Xbox when Reach came out.
I loved Elephants. I played H3 at a friend's house once and he joined a Custom Game of his XBL friends and they were playing on Sandtrap with only...
It's my fave of the bigger maps. Not my fave of all cause I'm such a CQB ***.
Nice and original. Looks very refreshing.
I hate to tell you this but modded maps aren't allowed here. Shame cause they're really nice );
I don't understand this thread. WTF, just WTF.
I don't know. Make it good. I made a half-assed guide and Plasma Blades made a good one but you could make a perfect one. Go Sarge!
Good sir, have an internet. I played FFA once(I normally don't) and I owned pretty hard. In second place came this MLG tryhard sweatypants who...
Oh a new Member? **** it's one of them scrubs again. Lol jk, you're welcome.
I quite liked the Concussion Rifle but still prefer the Brute Shot. Both bring back Halo PC Fuel Rod Gun nostalgia. I once got a Triple kill with...