I have nothing else to say, cause you already said it. However, when you say the boltshot is OP, are you referring to the gun in general orthe...
343i needs to get thier dang **** together. There's more bugs than Minecraft before the any of the 1.4.x updates. And that says a lot. I noticed...
I definitely will :) I wasn't playing Halo Reach anymore because of Minecraft.
I really want to see an Infection Map on Impact involving Mantises.
Went 44-17 in only my second game. Also got a Running Riot and two Triple Kills. DMR is beat as hell.
I got the game and it's epic. I like everything. Everything.
While my dad is still at work and has the key to our mailbox while I don't I'm currently having spastic attacks all the time while I yell: ''Halo...
HALO 4 IS OUT!!!!!1!!!11!!!!oneoneoneone!11!!! Anyways, I preordered it and will get it soon.
So I preordered Halo 4. I'll now get 5 in-game bonuses as well as 6 instead of 2 classes on release date or something like that. Jay. I wanted to...
How the crap are still people complaining? I thought we got over that more than hundred pages ago.
Alright, so I've missed 100 pages or so but apparently there's faster flood. Oh noes.
AR is indeed underpowered compared to the BR and DMR.
Dang I sure as hell liked Firefight, even in Reach. Spartan Ops sounds nice though, it might be ven better. We'll see.
Loadout with Auto-Sentry= TF2 Engineer. Hellyeah.
It does piss me off that a map or gametype can't have ''Assault'' in it. **** you Microsoft
Dang the last time I checked was over 100 pages ago. What did I miss? Also, speaking of missing, now that I don't play it anymore, I have Reach...
I´ll stop flaming. But only because of your avatar.
That isn't trolling, that is plain douchebaggery.
Holy f*ck. That... That... Is just amazing. Shiiiiiiit. On the topic of Minecraft, I used some of my Redstone since I have a lot and decided to...
I use it in Drop Zone AKA Invasion Slayer and it takes down Sentreis and IMSes wthiout problems.