Holy hell, is this real feedback...? LOL. Honestly, I said that because if you take a look back at the rest of the thread I wasn't really...
... Alright fine this is pretty sexy. I was prepared to be unimpressed, but it's obvious from the simplistic and tiny layout that High Noon...
It looks like one, but I'm afraid it couldn't be one because of its location. The map is not only close to water, but close to the waterfall as...
:C I DID MY BEST. No unfreeeeeaaaaaakinbelievable for you, Flamingo. I'm a b0ss. Ohai Berb. Noted?
New players? Lol it's an MLG map, people should hopefully know what they're doing.
Thanks to all! Boom, there it is. Final edits were made and I am glad to say I am 100% pleased with the way it ended up looking and playing...
Haha, I've been told but I just wasn't sure if they were trolling or not... xD & Thanks :3
... no u?
FALSE. >_> Flamingo will never live that down. He should avoid parties with me.
LOL yeah. That'd be derpy. I've got a tablet pen? Lol I'm not doing it with a mouse. Unless you already figured that out ;P. Lol @ the thread xD...
Eh. I don't like being called a squeaker and or people assuming I'm a 10 year old child. ;P
So I'm pretty new to ForgeHub. Not new to forging, though, I do that all day everyday. I'm a nova on Reach and it's pretty much the only game I...
Not true. The pictures mean a lot more than you must think if you're saying they're nothing. The images are generally the reason people download a...
Surprisingly, this was actually quite fun to play on. But then, I was winning the whole game so that might have been why. Lol, I agree with almost...
Though I haven't even looked at it on in-game, I know from what I've just read and what I'm seeing that it's no MLG map... (Able to get into the...
In all honesty, I think I might have to agree with 4shot. This is The Pit, and it really doesn't do the original version any justice. The parts...
Thanks for the feedback, and I actually like that idea a lot. For the most part on that section, I wasn't focusing on the game play aspect but...
Thanks all for the downloads, comments, and compliments! [And welcomes] As for the spawns, no I didn't pay too much attention to them... However...
MLG Guardian V3 REMAKE OF MLG GUARDIAN [img] [img] EDIT: This is the final version to be released, V3.0! Some of the jumps have been changed to...
Lol ohai