MLG PROVIDENCE "MLG based map built for Team Slayer, Free for All, and Capture the Flag. 2-8 players recommended." [img] DESCRIPTION I...
Seconded, not kidding. :D
This is forged really cleanly and I'm looking forward to seeing the newest version. I think really, as mentioned, the biggest issue is definitely...
This is actually the best Guardian I've seen so far. Efficient with budget and pieces, you even managed to capture the circular feel that most...
H4X onto the school's intercom. "mOOOOHcha!!! That is all." /detention
I DO SOMETIMES. Not loudly though. Only enough for people to be like, "wait wut" but the teacher doesn't hear. :>
... Rule 34 is for real. also mOHcha :3
This is really cleanly forged, and I'm hoping if I get enough people on, to play a game on this. It's got an obvious MLG feel for it, in my...
You're a blueberry ****-cake.
That video was win.
An edit to my edit; it appears I may make some more changes after all. Some complaints that I am inclined to address are that blue spiral along...
Done. Gah! I always feel like it's so small already. I'll give it a shot, though, and see how it turns out. Maybe some total reconstruction is...
I'm not, ah... 100% sure. Nor am I sure on how exactly I am to go about doing so... *shot* <_< I'm being thorough... xD I just want it as close...
MLG PROVIDENCE Coincidence name is coincidence. (DOWNLOAD PROVIDENCE) [img] DESCRIPTION "MLG based map built for Slayer and CTF. 2-8...
This map is really cleanly and interestingly forged. Certain ideas you have used I've never seen before (such as the spiral ramps in the floor),...
This map is seriously gorgeous. It's cleanly forged and aesthetically pleasing, and the fact that the only thing I could really rag you on is the...
Renegade. I think it's nicely forged, however I don't see any walled off section over near the cave are of Hemmorage which means players don't...
That's not imitation. That's copying the map, deleting everything but the lava pit, and moving a couple rocks around. Then building a map around...
I see what you're saying. In the least, the kill barriers are around the map as opposed to at the top of the coliseum windows. But it's definitely...
Well not hearing footsteps is part of the problem, players with headsets generally like getting what they paid for; hearing people behind them and...