Sorry, I meant the natural terrain. Like if someone build something onto a ledge or into the ground on one map, then it might not work if it were...
Sorry if this has been asked, I read the blog and these comments but it's possible I missed something. As far as changing the time of say and such...
Piggybacking off of this, is the fog we get to use (if we get to use it), large enough and thick enough to hide the bottom of a standard 4v4 map?...
Are there any open expanses of water to forge over?
[ arcsys v2.1 ] by Resivore Gametype: Squad Neutral Flag CTF Fileshare Gamertag: Resivore [ walkthrough ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] --- [ fractal v1.1 ]...
What, is this... is this feedback on game play I'm seeing right now?! I didn't know people still tested maps! All joking aside, I appreciate the...
Epsilon v1.6 DOWNLOAD EPSILON V1.6 SEE VIDEO WALKTHROUGH OF EPSILON Note: Not a professional video, just a simple fly-through of the map....
Well, since this is my first completed Halo 4 project, I'd suppose it's only natural that the objects I use aren't quite my H:R's top pick! (After...
Proxima v1 [IMG] Introduction - - - A project that had never seen it's release on Halo: Reach has finally be re-imagined and altered to fit...
Fixed, hopefully.
Yeah it should downsize in a bit for you, thought that was weird as well. Just walking through it, I witnessed no frame rate, however I never got...
MLG HAVEN × × × [img] DESCRIPTION × × × Not that it's really all that necessary, seeing as everyone should know what's going on in this map...
Well damn, this actually looks alright. As everyone else has said the aesthetics could use some touching up... I'd say rebuild it but since you...
LOL, actually I do, I never got around to having it tested and it still hasn't been released. Should have the latest version in my FS.
Probably not. Maybe, though I don't remember.
Gone again bro, didn't even get to see it :C
;_; they deleted the thread
BREAKING NEWS. Greg says you can post another thread so long as you don't mention him in it. (Please to leave me out of it too)? :o I can give you...
are you not like perma banned?
LOL I gave up I'll try to connect to you later