That's the idea, mate.
Whoa whoa whoa, don't be hating on Meteora. :P Anyway, the map looks nice as always, Psycho. The Brace Larges look a little out of place in some...
This game would be so much better if I didn't suck at it. ;) Anyway, I really enjoyed testing it the other week. Mixing armor abilities up for...
Don't think a name like "Shrine" does the map justice. I like the name "Mosque" but I'm willing to bet that somebody somewhere down the line will...
So we're peacefully protesting to encourage what is, essentially, war? Spot the irony.
Well, team.... I think a change of underwear and a slap in the face are in order. 343, I am sorry I doubted you.
So just a heads up, the embargo is most likely lifted today. A couple of screenshots leaked earlier showcasing Chief in his new chiefy way. Looks...
I don't know whether this has been posted, but I think it's fairly important either way: BBC - Newsbeat - Game says it will not stock EA title...
Map name: Fort E9 (Aren't I clever) Author name: Katanga Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: Slayer DMRs...
Bugger I missed the deadline. I've got a mountain of uni work so I couldn't finish the map in time. Just the spawns...XD
Well I wanted to go for an inspired map rather than a direct remake. I believe you've made a better remake than I'd be able to accomplish. As for...
Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll remove the walls around the first picture, I quite like the colour contrast in the cave. As for the ones...
So here's a map I've been working on. It takes heavy influence from Chill Out/Cold Storage, down to the teleporters and the jump up top. There's...
Old' Zatherla had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on that farm he had screenshots of animals?
Haha Zath that is brilliant. No doubt this map will feature things made of 20,000 different weapons and marvel us all. And animals, you say?...
I finally, finally got around to playing this. Stupid people not playing Reach... Anyway, I had a blast. This game is fantastic, although I think...
As if you hadn't released this before. You're a slow poster, Erupt ;) Anyway, I love playing on this map, the testing was always fun and the map...
So I downloaded this from my recommendations, and I was blown away. Very nice map, dude. Can't wait to see the finished product. Also, just a...
Just had a quick runthough of the map, and I am impressed. It's easy to spot the similarities once you look, but at first it looks like a...
Looks crap. In all seriousness, it looks like you're bringing the grass back into your maps, which already looks to be providing a nice touch of...