I updated my map preview with the finished geometry if you were interested :)
Funnily enough, I found the original lying round in my maps today, but i'm still remaking it for this exact reason; there were so many things I...
Personally, i'm going to give the turret a chance. Currently it's got its own niche in the map, as it essentially dominates the two main paths but...
I thought about that, but i'd already turned off my xbox. Nothing in temporary history either :/ Either way redevelopment has begun! PREPARE FOR...
I wish I could dude, but i'm having to rebuild it completely from scratch so it may take a while (I've also got 6 university assignments on the...
Archangel (Preview) Firstly, the overview. Note how the left (blue) side is darker overall than the red side. [IMG] A better look at the back...
That is the stuff of nightmares....
I think it's to compensate being able to spawn it in with personal ordnance. Can you imagine people running around with Halo 3, or god forbid Halo...
I think I'm coming on Halo 4 on the wrong days, because practically every challenge I've seen has been Regicide related. Still, I'm dead...
[img] I need a different visor colour.
I was so sceptical when I saw the thread title. Not because of your forging talent, trust me if anyone could pull this off it'd be you. My concern...
That has almost nothing to do with the map. Anyway, I love the idea. I had a similar one myself and it turned out a blast to play with friends....
What's the Hail to the King commendation? I'm having loads of trouble finding which one it is, although I assume KOTH.
And this is why you need external beta testing.
That's me out then.
So I totally stole this idea from Waypoint.... Basically, if you have a set of armor/avatar items you aren't particularly fond of, and want to...
Having to be Online when completing campaign to unlock Mark VI takes the utter piss. We couldn't even begin to cope with using xbox live at our...
Fairly big spoiler: [spoiler]
I think all of SpOps is set after Halo 4, I'm sure I'd heard somebody say it was set after the events of campaign. Either way Spartan Ops is the...
Oh my god, I remember this map! One of my favourite maps you've made, dude. The games we played, both FFA and team, were great fun from what I...