I'm saving for inclement, then pestelince, then hearts, basically completing the armory from the top down, so it just gets easier as I go. Then...
Yeah, the one where the warthog was crushed, but that one was obviously staged.
Here's the link for the rank list. Halo Reach Ranks - Full List Up to Inheritor - Halo Reach I bet Bungie is just teasing us with that bar, with...
Also, enemy gets one shot on you, teammate melees you twice - not booted
Rank cap hath been lifted, I am now a commander grade 2. Edit: Wait, maybe that was because I wasn't connect to live lol, sorry for any...
The only reason people feel let down by Reach is that they expected it to be a 100% perfect game out of the box. If people weren't so picky then...
Yeah, I just play and get commendations randomly, for now. Once I get enough I'll try for 100%, but thats not gonna be for a long while.
I will agree that it could end tomorrow, earliest possible is Monday, latest is Thursday.
Lameness challenges today. Predictions on 117M mark anyone? I'd say Tuesday
Pelicans or phantoms have no place in matchmaking, because they'd require a map thats just on a huge scale, like the whole map of forgeworld, but...
It was pretty well hidden, people only found it because of the BWU. The other switches in this level were on the sides of things, whereas this...
Thread on how to fly pelican on Bungie.net, with a rendered video: Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : // The Unofficial Flyable-Pelican Thread!...
My favorite helmet for now has to be just the base CQB helmet (I use black visor), just looks slick. But when I can get it GUNGIR looks pretty...
Yeah, some instances its better to camp, if you can be the only person to get to a hard-to-reach camp spot, or if you're on pinnacle, as you're...
With spring+melee you can avoid this easily, as you already have to be pretty close to the person for them to be able to sprint+melee you without...
My best game was in swat, I went +26, and held the other team to 22 kills Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details
I think I'm gonna try and find out how to fly a pelican, BWU hinted at it.
Bungie will NEVER make melee a 3 hit kill, its been 2 hits since the beginnning they wont be about to change that now. If you're close enough to...
Its possible with teamwork, and if the other team isn't that good. If the other team is smart, and takes their sniper rifles and rocket launchers...
Halo 3 I noticed that the grenades weren't as overpowered (but its been a while) Also, fanboy much? There is no way they are going to make it...