if it was worn on your back it would look like a regular plasma rifle thats just on your back, plus it would create issues with other weapons on...
And just another thing for the game to process, so laggy maps would just get worse
Plus do you really want to worry about human, elite, AND brute heights when designing maps? I thought not.
I wish they'd take AL out of everything except vehicle maps.
So you're saying a AR takes more skill than a DMR? ROFLMAO is all I have to say Although I would like for MLG to pick up the focus rifle, it...
What he's saying is pick up the flag, drop it outside the zone, then bring it back in. I believe this would work. What they took out in the beta...
I am not liking this triple double one, but I"ll definitely get it in SWAT, it should be get 3 multikills in one match IMO. I would have had it...
Yeah, YOU might have enough storage space on your xbox, but many people do not.
Thing is, that separates everyone right down a line, and is not good for a gaming community, at least with a map pack, you will still get matched...
I noticed this a while ago, its a good idea, but Bungie put the window just too wide for this. I hate killing someone, and getting killed when...
IF they did bring it back, or something like it, it would probably be unlockable through waypoint, with some crazy requirements across all the...
Now if we could just send this out to every user of forgehub...
^ holy crap, perfection
All I can say, is Oh ****, they did it again, at least there will be like 3 per game, and FF is off now
I can't get to this easter egg right now, because my campaign progress was reset for some reason >.< I'll have to finish a campain run through on...
Yeah, I would be very surprised if they ever removed friendly fire from matchmaking, because people would exploit it.
I feel pinnacle should be removed from matchmaking altogether (except perhaps snipers and SWAT), it is the most unbalanced map in the game, and...
Hey you, pick up flag, stand in front of ghost, and lets go.
You cannot tell me that doing the Flawless cowboy exploit (definitely should have been patched), or checkpointing sowrd bas is fun. I can see how...
I am totally hating this update, I 100% prefer the old one better, plus I really don't get why they have to change everything to fit around a...