Yeah, its called buy limited edition or whatever it is
Exactly, Multiplayer is worse overall in this one, and that is the biggest part of the CoD series by far. Wager matches are a great fun addition,...
I'd probably have to say crackdown 2, because it was such a large step backwards from crackdown 1.
+1, spawn system is far too broken to play other stuff alot. And Gun Game needs a curved weapon setup, not the steps that they have now. Like I...
Although I don't think they should, if they do, I expect them to have their fist dub xp right after DLC release and make it DLC only for a bit,...
Yeah, I can't seem to hear people footsteps either, like at all. Also spawns are pretty broke, I will spawn like 10 feet from where I died,...
Yeah those grunts have screwed me over many a time, especially since it's instant kill if they hit you, and they shoot like 4 in a row, and even...
Yeah, they said they're going to be adding a griffball playlist in one of their BWU's, they were just waiting for someone (official griffball...
Wow, I really can't be bothered to read this whole thread because it's just insult upon insult, and just, uggggghh. I personally like Reach's...
How would this help anything at all? It would just be a game of hunting 1 person, not even coming close to solving the problem of alpha zombie.
Did you even read the rest of the thread? Its because there's challenges, which take the place of Dub xp.
He's talking about a freaking huge knife, not the ones we can already get.
Jun isn't awesome enough to have survived though. Although on a second though he does seem like the kind of guy who would hide out for years to...
No, its stated in the game at least a few times that Master Chief is the last remaining spartan
They already had announced they were a while ago (also griffball), but were just waiting for MLG to get them the gametypes/maps. I'm going to...
I for my first day of playing Black Ops, thought that the campaign had some pretty cool gameplay, and a twisting story, but one that kept you...
Yeah, he could have gotten off of Reach, then died later as well though.
And whats worse, is this one totaly fails lol.
Exactly, and plus why should everyone be able to get stuff easily? People deserve to be rewarded for playing more over people who play less....
kthxbai #2