Neither is better than the other, sure they're both currency systems, but thats where the similarities end. They are used for entirely different...
They went in through the shield, probably because they were too impatient lol. You jump into the falcon, because you have to get out of there...
To me Black Ops doesn't deserve to make the list because it is just simply a redo of the past CoD's, so even though its sticking to what's right...
I'm thinking probably only 1 user per recharge, with same rate as AL, or even a little slower to stop from spammage, and if you get interrupted...
Even though I doubt that this will happen I'd give it my thumbs up, and would use it quite a bit.
I'd say New Vegas, because although Black Op's story is great, the multiplayer (the biggest part of a CoD game IMO) is simply not a big enough...
Yeah, you can tell I had this thread because of shadowrun lol. I have never heard of anyone disliking shadowrun, because it is a seemingly...
Actually this is a pretty good idea, but let me try and expand your idea with certain paramaters that you may have implied, but did not list. 1....
Jungle has the most extreme camp spot, there's a rock with only 1 entry point to it, a ladder, and it has a great view of a large part of the...
Ok, I can't concentrate enough now on this thread to read the pages of text (which I will tomorrow). But for now I'll post my view on trash...
Exactly they're just churning them out for a big profit, not making many changes, but knowing everyone will still buy the games. @OP, you might...
Pretty much every weapon rapes, which is my main problem with the CoD series. Probably because what I'm good at in the Halo series is team weapon...
Ok, so post up here your favorite under-rated or under-played or less popular game(s) that you have. AKA your favorite non-best-seller game. My...
My gamertag actually came into existence from back before I had an Xbox. I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the PS2, and didn't have a...
The most comments I've heard ingame about gamertags is mine, FlamingArmadilo, mostly negative (people either thinking it says dildo/flamingo, or...
Even though I dislike the game and wish I hadn't spent $60 and bought it, it to me is definitely at least worth a rental, campaign is great and...
It was so bad because it was such a let-down. Sure I've played some pretty crappy flash games and stuff, but then again I don't expect much from...
We're talking about through that computer console thingy ingame.
Or with assist challenges go crazy with covy weapons in rumble pit.
Exactly becasue if you could set up a good spawn camp, recovery would be impossible to achieve without some luck. They still want to alow a...