lololololol. Those all caps things are funny. PARDON OUR DUST. KEEP IT CLEAN. God, they sure are neat freaks.
There have been no official dates for release. Try not to trust people on They lie you know.
Really cool text, and the hand is alright. Though a fist would have been better. (or cliche...)
Outside Cold Storage. It's behind the glass in the hallway/ramp.
We really couldn't find out for sure. It's all really just a matter of opinion, so people will say otherwise.
1. This shouldn't be a debate. 2. It's a great song, but not the best rock song ever.
They are pedophiles seceretly disguised as women to fool people like me into their sticky web of lies and deceit, forcing us with their attractive...
There isn't? Well that's weird. Maybe it will be added tomorrow or something. I'm surprised they didn't mention it in the Weekly Update.
lol shes dead
No Chili Peppers? WTF? Looks pretty cool anyway, lot of kickass songs on there. It's about time the put some Korn in the mix. I look foward to...
I think you and your 'lil bro' are ****ing idiots.
That was hilarious. I didn't care for the Halo version, but the the original was great.
Wow. It's like, perfect. Great sig man, that is an awesome game. I seriously can't find anything wrong with
Please. Don't drink and post.
I'll hold ya, man. I can haz butt squeeze?
Ridgemont High. It has boobies.
Gears of War. Cole Train. All about the Cole Train.
****ing old - but ****ing cool. Drugs FTW.
Those are nice. Too bad Valhalla doesn't look like that.
I dunno. They can both be assholes. I liked the Halo 2 Elite model better than the Halo 3 version, but that's about it. It annoys me when people...