Can you make it a signature?
Dude, cool avatar.
Nice picture! I can imagine "Take your child to work day" with Spartans. He keeps hugging him while he tries to snipe.
Something about this splendidly eerie screenshot is causing me to keep scrolling back up just to bask in beauty of the nightmarish steep cliffs...
Every time I play Half Life 2 I find myself getting increasingly annoyed by the offbeat gameplay and irritating repetitiveness.
Stop being such bitches and learn how to aim yer BR. I usually have no trouble with Elites in swat, and I find that they go down just as easily...
I've always hated Guitars Hero's graphics style, and Rockband is much better than the last three GH games, but this year it looks like Guitar Hero...
Symmetrical, smooth, two base with plentiful amounts of Carbines and Battle Rifles. MLG maps also usually lack main power weapons.
You could, but if you want people to download and comment on your maps it's best you upload some pictures.
Pretty cool perspective, average pose. A few gaps that ruin the look, but a good screen shot nonetheless. The glow of the sword really adds to the...
I am a big fan of the Bubble Shield and Power Drain, and I find that PD is especially useful on maps like Construct and Cold Storage. The...
An oldie but goodie. That's a classic vid.
Haha, I just saw this awesome thread titled "SCREW BUNGIE AND EVERYONE WHO PLAYS HALO 3" Yeah, they probably wrote a lame ass update and wait to...
Hopefully they are making the most epic update ever, with lots of pictures and big words.
How about we make like politicians and do it in a public restroom?
Yes! Chili Peppers FTW!
Let me guess...Mongoose?
Jackal Snipers aren't terrible, as long as you know where they're located (handy Legendary Guide :D) If I remember correctly, they were even...
The Warthog, it's just all around fun to use, as gunner and driver.