Spring? Weird, they said Winter in the Weekly Update. Those bloody liars.
Posting something irrelevant on an old thread.
Clone Thread Clone Thread Clone Thread Seriously, wtf?
Why do you keep posting other people's pictures? Does it benefit you in any way?
Dude...what's your sister's number? I'd soooooooooo **** her.
I have a boner already!
I should totally commit suicide, dude.
No I don't.
I used 10 for a long time, and then I gradually slowed it down to 5.
Not bad. While some of are duds, others are excellent. The mass of sniper photos are a bit boring though.
Modern Warfare was good, but I'm turned off by the whole WWII thing. It's just unappealing to me.
Really clever picture. The 'Old Timey' effect and the funny description really make it.
I am not being funny or anything when I say this, but your 'warned' status really complements your avatar.
Not as high as his underwear's pulled up.
I've been using the same computer since 1996. What's my secret?
Anything with Nirvana and Mr. Moustache as text. Maybe a Matrix style thing. lol..im not picky enough.
I'm really good at Halo.
So ... an ODST hero. Sounds badass to say the least. Though that is quite a long wait, I am already excited for all the new features. But why is...
Hallo. Ich bin wütend... Meine Tage sind lang und langweilig gewesen. Morgen ist der große Tag. Ich bin nicht bereit. Wie geht es Ihnen?
17 actually.