Yes, because I have some map ideas that need a flying vehicle that has no (or few) turrets, but a lot of passenger seats.
Don't worry about seeming like a newbie - that was a great link and read. Maybe you should try to 'theorize' the ways to make better maps as...
Creationism and Evolution(ism) are both theories that try to explain 'how' things are the way they are, but neither can answer 'why'. 'Why' is...
Things I hated: Armor/weapon upgrading The huge, colossal labyrinth of weapons and weapon upgrades The weakness of powers compared to pure...
Oh, of course not! Hardly. Technology doesn't grow from people sitting around watching TV; it comes from the thinkers and the doers. If, for no...
Oh god...that's terribly hard to quote lol. In any case, your list is more or less moot. Refinement: My point is, we have the ability to be...
But as I said, intelligence can subvert nature's laws by finding loopholes and exploiting them. Photosynthesis is itself pretty amazing. It...
I don't disregard the fact that humans are a part of nature. I disregard the idea that nature and creative intelligence are one and the same....
Nature is weak. It can't create anything, in the sense that there is no creativity behind its actions. Glaciers, waterfalls, mountains, and...
The first game was pretty horrible, I won't lie. It was an amazing story to experience, but actually playing it was agonizing. ME2 improved on...
Well, the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.
no ur a reterd Yeah, that too. Also, I don't really like Reach; maybe that's why? :P
Yeah, it was more of an exercise in futility than anything.
Just because they're spitting at you doesn't mean you need to spit back.
The reason I don't post much anymore is because writing megaposts on a forum is kinda stupid. But whatever, I still do it. :P
Let me clear things up in the first hand. I'm an athiest. So then you might wonder, "Well, why is an athiest defending religion?" Read on....
Einstein was religious. Argument disproven.
DERP I'm so high and mighty because I think that my ability to recognize the overuse of an element makes me smart DERP
You buy the offline game, sure, but Bungie continually offers you the service of being able to play online (done through your Xbox LIVE Gold...
Pfft. That's not true. I mean, I'm pretty damn awesome, but I still don't get a lot of map views! 'Remarkably stupid' maps are pretty quickly...