FH's (and my) [un]official policy on the claim that popular maps rise to the top while less popular ones aren't given any attention to is simple....
I just know that the red Spartan is me. I just know it.
Holy. Crap. That is gorgeous. I can see why it consumed the entire budget.
AFAIK Inv_Platform and Inv_Mancannon are reserved for Spire and don't do anything.
Each to his own. I don't really care what kind of map it is as long as it's fun. Hit me up if you want, GT: Nemihara
There's a BR in Halo 2 and 3 because you can dual wield. There's a DMR in Reach because there's no dual wielding, and having a three-shot rifle...
I honestly don't see how that can support 16 players without turning into a giant mess of spawn kills. It's far too small.
Scorpions work well for Coag/Hemorrhage because the terrain is more flat. In Valhalla H3, there are rolling hills that make the terrain...
This looked like a really nice map when we were in Forge. Be sure to tell me if you need more people for a playtest (especially a BTB) - I'd like...
inb4 lock It's against Microsoft's rules, so therefore it's against Bungie's rules, so therefore it's against our rules.
Efficiency is just how much work you put into something compared to what you get from working. In Forge 1.0, we had to slave for months to make...
Now that you mention it, a Elephant would be excellent for Invasion.
Yeah, but there was an Arbiter for some reason during Halo Wars.
Wisdom tooths. :'(
Hey. This only occurred to me now in a painkiller-induced state (yay teeth removals!), But, Why is it Hawaiia Hustle? Why isn't it Hawaii Hula?
Ooh, just thought of this one. A game in ME2 where a bare minimum number of characters (2, right?) survive the final level. I figure they would...
At my city's zoo, a monkey got eaten by a crocodile. But I digress.
Who else is trying to do every major plotline? I figure Paragon both games, Renegade both, Paragon first game then Renegade second (and vice...
Ah, I remember when I was a Freshmen too.
Who said anything about Matchmaking? Obviously, a Pelican (or some form of transport air vehicle) would only be used for casual/minigame maps.