I'm going to come straight out and just say that Marathon is not that great. I think it's more of the fact that it's a precursor to Halo that...
I can't use my MacBook anymore because as some of you know, I splashed coke over the keyboard and now it's all sticky.
Challenge motherfucking accepted.
Bro bro bro bro, bro.
I'm not your friend, bro.
college is raping me with an enema of knowledge
>have 6 page philosophy paper due 10pm tomorrow >didn't start [IMG]
I'm not your bro, bro.
I was sucked into Minecraft a couple weeks into college. I don't do much building, that's my roomie's territory. I do a lot of redstone though, heh.
I love your sig. <3
o hai thar /fh/
The thing with multiplayer that I'm especially excited for is the fact that they said that outcomes of multiplayer will affect singleplayer.
How charmingly fascist. FYI, I pretty much figured that Sony would never be open to third-party devs after the malrky that was the PSP...
I don't remember you at all, mostly due to my pompous, egotistical swaggering during 2008, an aspect of my character that persists to this day....
Our main competition would come from the booth two over that has a block of ice melting.
Blahblah not enough people like FH for this to be feasible *crushes OP's dreams*
Wait, why are the Reapers fighting a ground war in the first place? I'd figure they'd just want to exterminate all of us from orbit. Even if it...
They did say that ME3 was going to have several different endings that branch off because it's the last game. Besides, they could always have...
Bump. Just read an article giving further details about ME3. Mass Effect 3 story details announced | bit-gamer.net Points of interest:...
I'm incredibly lazy.