Never use grids for Flooring. I would recommend removing the grid and if you don't have enough walls, look in the platform and incline categories...
There already is bases on the moon. There is more to life than what you watch on TV.
You guys need to learn your galactic history.... Mars' atmosphere was ruined by an ice comet (Venus), what would be the point of going there? That...
I'm not doing a bunch of mods, the goal for Flood 2.0 was to pave the way to reinstate custom game options. But, my opinion on what you want to do...
Anyone got any good pictures of Haunted Castles or Mansions? Outdoor and/or indoor.
hahaha... yeah that's a good point. unfortunately, I did complain about the terrain on all 3 forge maps... but when i said flat I didn't mean 100%...
The first thing I thought when I saw Forge Island was that it was too flat. They should have put some "natural hill" forge pieces with a few...
Kid Icarus (NES game)... I like the name.
Thanks for catching that. Should be fixed now as I switched to the Dark skin myself.
good points from all 3 of you... I know Microsoft only cares about money and nothing else, so I could see them porting Halo 3 to PC if it will...
Sick Pa1nting.... I'd have to agree with psychoduck though about needing some height variation or hills. Other than that this looks really cool...
What first strikes me is all the lighting is being blocked so everything is very bland. In your defense it is kinda difficult to work with the...
it's... DAT NEW LIFE... lol. looks sick man, if you need testing done send invites.
No problem man... I made the sprint one for ya because you gave me the idea. I didn't even think about adding sprint to Flood and when we played...
[IMG] Flood 2.0 - Map weapons enabled - Human lime green color removed - Flood color forced black Flood 2.0+ - Map weapons enabled - Human...
I think I have one on my fileshare called Eject Quick Stick.... it's not a hail mary, but I thought it was a sick stick. If it's not on my...
I've never seen a PC port that was limited to 30 FPS, they have all had full frames compared to the console versions... I don't know where ya get...
From the screen shots it looks like you really captured a dark, creepy, horror atmosphere similar to dead space or the alien films. I'm interested...
I could be wrong but I don't think there is any dynamic lighting on Erosion other than two small areas that shine down from holes in the rock...
this map is very beautiful and you did a wonderful job with it. there is a framerate issue with the center structure while looking through in the...