It's no biggy about the warthogs... just keep 2 versions of the map, one with the warthogs and one without for the tournament (assumming they...
awesome... is this done/final? I'd like to download it. EDIT: Ok, I checked out the map. It has some Z-Fighting issues on some flooring and...
Forge is so much more efficient? Supported gametypes: SWAT? I haz a sad
looks really awesome bro. I love city themed maps and you are really good at nailing the look. In my opinion, vehicles are always a plus whether...
DMR? I'd much rather use the other rifles on small maps, but that's just me.
Alright, when you find out lemme know or edit the OP if you would, I'd appreciate it...thanks.
looks very clean... and "citrusy"... I like it.
Love it... looks beautiful too. I'm not positive but with Kiddy Slayer, they didn't slow down the movement speed or alter the jump height did...
Well I hate instant respawn and it shouldn't be in matchmaking (in my opinion). I think it should have just been an option to enable or disable...
looks beautiful