of course... where do I go to do that?.... oops, nevermind I see the link.
I fail to see how this is "neat" or a "good thing" in any way. I don't want to see DMRs turned into Binary Rifles, I'd rather use Binary Rifles. I...
yeah, in my opinion.
In that photo those trees are different heights, on your map it looks like most of the ones lined up are all the exact same height.
This looks really sick. About the trees, they probably all shouldn't be the exact same height precisely...but I would use slight differences in...
Sucks that Trait Zones cost $50 of Forge budget. You probably gotta delete significant forge pieces on LaForge to use trait zones. Your better off...
Can't wait to glue my ass to my chair for this game. I think it will be much better than expected.
I think there is already a really good map called Icarus which was built on Ravine. I dunno if that matters or not.
No, because I believe when you add mobility to base player traits, it fills it in all loadouts. Only way to get mobility on Flood only is modding.
The "glitch", if you can call it that... is basically when you chose stuff for Base Player Traits (Human/Survivors) it carries over to the Flood...
In my opinion, it is possible to make SandTrap (RockTrap, GrassTrap, etc.) on Forge Island without using a modded map. You do run out of the big...
@TRAUMAjunkie: Yes they are setup as neutral or team specific like spawns... You may be able to have them spawn at a certain time I would imagine,...
Some ideas to brainstorm... Borg Drones/Alpha Borg Queen - Primary Weapon: Flood Talon - Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol - Color: Black - Armor...
hahaha... well, it's usually pitch black at 8:00pm here where I live... my bad :D. I like all of your maps really. Destitute in Chains was amazing...
I was going to say you should adapt LaForge for Flood, unless I did and forgot? lol...anyway, this is an excellent idea and I will make a custom...
I can do stuff in Photoshop if you need it. Anyway, I love this map obviously and it is very beautiful. The special fx, dynamic lighting, and...
Really cool layout and atmosphere, love it.
Thanks bro, hopefully it plays ok. I'll let ya know when we test it.
Smashy Chase has now been updated to Smashy Chase V6 and is now powered by Flood 2.0+ Turbo.
Started as an aesthetic map and abandoned, then adapted for Flood months later. The map is based on the Montauk Project which ran from 1970 - 1983...