My advice: Jury rig yourself an egg timer to a voice recorder and hook it to a speaker. When the timer goes off at the preset weapon spawn time,...
It's a slightly modified version of the 'welcome' message people get when they register for Forgehub.
Lol. I'm not complaining. Pres. is my neighbor; I said griefing but you're right, trolling is the more appropriate term. And yes, I once lost a...
Or the random storm of lightning striking you full in the face, even when you're 20-30 blocks underground. Or a sudden army of creepers spawning...
You won't get griefers on Miningbros at least once bukkit gets implemented. Dr. Pres and staff don't put up with that ****. (you might get griefed...
It's creepy. [spoiler]
Holy cobblestone Batman! That's friggin sweet. That needs to be given/stolen to/by Mining Bros and used as the new spawn location in the next world.
Would make completing some of the Dark Brotherhood quests NPC's and stealth have never really mixed.
How many creatures can you summon in total in Skyrim?
I agree change can be good but change for change's sake is, in most cases, a bad thing. But that goes back to the game industry being just that;...
I always forget the N64 was a console as I never had one. You're right, Goldeneye was brilliant.
Yeah, I beat it. Many, many moons ago. I think Infinity was the only one I never beat. That and Red and Evil, but those last two are user created...
I agree with that but at the same time I don't. Halo: CE was the FPS that birthed console FPS's. It was simple and that was it's beauty....
Good first car? If you're after safety look no further than: The most ridiculous/coolest thing to ever grace the roads. Keep in mind, only 100...
Honestly, there's more to do in Terraria than there is in Minecraft. Unless you want the game purely for creative freedom, then yes, get Minecraft.
222 new items, a new boss, 33 new enemies. Read the article that goes with it. I will definitely have to start playing this again. Especially if...
Did you ever doubt THIS thread about THIS game would reach 100 pages? I'll be surprised if it DOESN'T reach at least 500. The game's been out...
It's starting to sound like they need to release a 'difficulty' patch for when people's beefed up, tricked out and over-pimped characters start...
Do you have a server? Or is there a public one? I haven't played it period in a loooooong time.
So, does anyone have this game or has anyone played it? A friend of mine bought it on Xbox live arcade and we love it. It's like Castle Crashers...