Lolz. I really want to get back to playing it, but I left my xbox at my apartment over Christmas break and returned the game to the friend whom I...
I don't like playing infection because of that reason. As a human in infection, I like going to a spot that is easy to hold, but one that the...
All of the following is second-hand information and/or personal experience, hence take it with a grain of salt: As has been stated, the more...
Evil troll evolves into Fail
Shanon is correct, yes, he was/is in Windhelm.
No, I'm saying if it were possible to give the NPC kudos. He will never know how thankful I am to not have heard him cry about the arrow he didn't...
Golden Sun Any Fire Emblem Game Mechwarrior 4 Mercs (I'd like to see it ported to a console, preferably Xbox 360) Sean O'Connor's: Critical Mass...
I heard an NPC ***** about taking a sword through the chest, NOT an arrow in the knee. I would've given him major kudos if it were possible.
Itunes gift cards to satisfy your musical taste. Amazon gift cards for your games. Go to Salvation Army or Goodwill to fix your short shorts problem.
Agreed. Behold the magnificent/disgusting science of PR. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I would just think of it as my way of...
Wouldn't that be an epic addition to an Elder Scrolls game? The ability to semi-permanently enchant different parts of your body (or curse those...
Marathon's story line is what made it incredible.
Those look waaay too small to be Knights. I honestly have no idea what they could be. At first I thought they were Bowler Nemesis' (Nemesi,...
I would totally do this if I didn't have to drive an hour to get to the nearest Macy's. Curse you Wyoming and your vast distances between...
Please explain that reasoning? They're are plenty of Americans, Mexicans and Rednecks in the U.S. that do that too.
New Aleph One engine announced Marathon just got new kick in the pants. Apparently they've updated the Aleph One Engine for the Marathon games....
Amen brother. However, the shotgun (in my opinion and rightfully skilled hands) is an anti-camper weapon. Nothing clears a room like an 8 gauge to...
If anyone is looking for something to do, I've wanted a new Google Chrome theme for awhile. The one I'm using now is by Scott Draves, here's...
Yeah, I've seen that. The thing is, that thing looks like it was built for military purposes. At least the Knight is stylish in all of it's bullet...
Rubicon is the best user-created one. It has gorgeous texture packs too and follows the original story line. Red and Evil are just...