If you're playing online and you fail to load maps, that has been attributed to a wonky internet connection, not particularly a bad internet...
About time they add some mulitplayer maps with the Reach engine with components that move and/or you can interact with. See my rant/blog about...
In the last vidoc, something odd I noticed was the footage of their mo-cap studios when they were talking about the new game (around the time you...
In one of the books, I believe it was Halo: First Strike or Halo: The Flood (I believe it was the latter, but I may be mistaken) it mentions that...
Yeah, wait for the anniversary edition. In the meantime, buy Deus Ex: Human Revolution or save your money for Anniversary edition AND Skyrim......
I still think my solution would work, it solves most of your problems and your parents (assuming they don't know anything about XBL) will never be...
My craziest moment was... [spoiler]
They could possibly be flood-engineers or just a different type of engineer. As to my guess what the plot line might be, I wanna say it's gonna be...
The sneaky solution: Spend 800 MS points to change your gamertag to something else, then create a silver account with the name of your old...
Simply because of that firefight map and headlong is reason enough for me to buy this game.
You can switch it between 'hold for cover' and 'press for cover'. I think the cover system is great. I've gotten to the point where I can move...
OMGWTFBBQ?!!?! That's epic. That's just friggin epic. Forza ftw.
Thank you. And with a little work of your own and (possibly some after market parts) they can get great gas mileage. I get between 19 and 22 miles...
Agreed. Though you have to give props to Project Soul for creating a game that can READ YOUR MIND!!!!!!
If you live somewhere where it never snows, screw the car, get a motorcycle. Gas and insurance almost become a non-issue. But the toyota/ honda...
Update: just got this yesterday. Haven't even gotten to the third story plot mission but: THIS GAME IS EPIC! I'm playing it on a terrible,...