Yeah, **** thread titles. Nobody needs them. Anyway, I've been meaning for some time to go on an epic run-through of all the great RPGs that I...
Wow, can't believe I forgot Zelda and Metroid. If it were series instead of game, those two would be heavy ****ing hitters. Alas, it is 'most...
Legend of Dragoon. Every time I get a long break from school, I have to beat it. Which usually involves massive marathons, because my most recent...
Whats all this power rangers **** doin in here?
"TROLL REPRODUCTION SURE IS WEIRD. We all take a moment to lament how pedestrian the human reproductive system is, and further lament that the...
Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh! /) So much win :P
Daily Dot | Hasbro shuts down prominent "My Little Pony" artist Thats the girl who made the amazing dolla you wanted. Epic sadfaic :(
> _ >
Oh christ, super jelly of your "Titan" Pretty sure I'm still stuck on the lame ol' "Leviathan," but I'll never know :(
"The SAFE was slain in battle. A great flaming nautical pyre carries it off to VAULTHALLA." On Homestuck. Since I can't punch homestuck for the...
Have both.
It goes through the use of potential energy into action, thusly termed as work.
I dont even know how to react to that. What do?
Equestria Daily: Pony Fantasy 6 Rom Hack
What is the purpose of that?
I can make that your profile background ;D
What are you talking about? This thread is totally locked! It is, in fact, true, that we do not allow clans to advertise themselves on ours...
Yar (aw, forgot about message length requirements D:)
I'll give you some of mine. Fair trade. My music is **** too :P