Well, I can put in a good word for you. In the meantime, stop scaring teddy with stories of my ****ed up ponies n such. Or I'll spam you with...
What you need to understand, is that to replace all the work that Pegasi and I did, they need to hire five new people. So my 'replacement' is an...
Hes waiting to take me out when they find my replacement. Which is borderline hilarious, because at this rate I'll get a new computer first and be...
Nah, you just caught me on a topic that I know inside and out! I'd be willing to lay money on your teacher not even having that much info.
ABA BCB CDC DED EE Terza Rima: it was known to take inspiration from the holy trinity, but in truth there is no such 'holy trinity' rhythm...
PsychoDuck, and his only comment was pretty funny. Would show you, but it needs context, so meh.
Are you on reddit? With a username that is exactly the same as your alias here?
Complete agreement here. Though, to be fair, its not like they gave us the best tools in the first place. Hopefully we can all do better this time...
Are you kidding? People getting worked up over a zombie apocalypse is way ****ing funnier than the 'avian flu' bullshit. ****, man, support this!...
Bro, that should only be an issue if you are ballin' master. Otherwise, the combat usually (usually) isn't difficult. Usually, because every now...
There weren't nearly enough bloody splatters, vicious murders, or absurdly deep taiko drums in that video.
Yeah, saw that earlier today. You see the video? Supposedly, its set in an alt Darkroot Garden from waaaay in the past, so possibly Oolacile or...
That would definitely warrant a NSFL tag.
HOLY **** I FORGOT SotC. /kills himself
Yeah, okay, sorry about that guys. Spam is definitely what we needed -_- Any more one word comments get asploded.
Legend of Dragoon is the best game I have played ever, without second. It only gets better on disks 3 and 4. You won't regret the investment lol.
****ing YES, I've been waiting for that new edition forever. Its more or less the reason I'm doing this runthrough. Out of the blue; is...
You can slowly walk him off the edge, if you do it literally where you spawn. It just takes a little patience. However, this is pointless because...
I already beat KOTOR, shits amazing. Same with Paper Mario, but I didn't enjoy it as much. Was too much of the mario formula involved, which is...