after looking at this a bit while you were forging i would say this is your best remake yet
I am actually half way into relic however, i am tring to finish my other maps before the file share search becomes available and don't know when i...
did you really make this map in 7 mins, or how did you pull that effect off
Well i thought i was going to have framerate issues to but i just did a 6 person free for all and it worked fine.
This might be just me but after looking at the maps nominated. i like about half of the maps we played last week better then all the maps...
well i dumped another 2500$ into chimera and i think i finally happy with it for tuesdays custom. It will have the same basic shape but i added a...
Just wondering is there any way to reduce frame rate without deleting pieces
with the pipes and color being driving features of this map, i am pretty surprised you didn't use the erosion map as the forge template
here are the the remade maps that are equal to or better then the ones you list Here are the stages that you should update or at least list...
how many people are you expecting for this
I'll be there. I will probably test my updated version of chimera and my hill stage if i get it done on time.
apparently the edit feature is not working for me either This is what happens when you have to type something over. you care much less about it
Well here is a shortened version of what i wanted to write but yeah not doing it as long again Since everybody posted about this I am going to...
Writes essay about my levels . Posts. You are not logged in anymore. hits back. essay gone. Becomes infuriated. Throws computer against the wall...
Please excuse the poor grammer i had a long day and didnt go back and edit Jade- First i would like to say that i like your other map opal much...
You could probably do assault with grifball a time limit and rounds. Idk if you could make a team not be able to touch it though. maybe an honor...
Just curious. How are the initial kings choosen.
I personally think this map is much better on slayer. I don't know why 343 choose this as a swat map
So i was wandering around in the middle of nowhere and found the pasture. Customs Lobby - Forge Hub
Shutout it so horrible. You can't even do all the jumps