I wonder why the nominations for voting ended before december 31st. Because obviously the best map made in december was Baptism by Fire, which is...
whould be nice if i knew what the invisable object glitch was
thanks guys i am fully educated on 1-12. I never played reach so i was unsure of how everything worked but i the think i got it now. However. I...
I am trying to get a few working on my forge map. Objective games. 1.I don't know which forge piece is for Oddball spawning 2. I have place flag...
well i am currently forging this map and i'll just say i noticed a few things 1. The bottom area's layout is wrong. Ie the dimensions. the over...
that hasnt been working recently
So i figured a way to get maps from other players. All you do is add them as a friend then click friend request pending. then halo 4 fileshare....