The staff must have something for me to do... What about a riddle?
Needs more interlocking. =(
I want to help FH, but reporting spam is boring. What should I do?
What can I do to help FH besides reporting spam? I feel useless. =(
Mallet and Chili should exchange their opinion on the women they love. =P
As we all know, gameboy and the DS has been remaking Final Fantasy games. I think they are on number 5? I really don't know. My point in this...
I decided to pull off the Nemihara signature. =P You're lucky.
No this isn't me: Warning this might give you frights. The next scenes is a guy taping lightning and it strikes very close to him. He actually... I noticed this in the movie theaters. It looks good, I hope it is.
The record is 12 hours 9 minutes - for me that is. Try to beat it. =)
Trust me. It isn't rotating at all. =) Well, I haven't watched the video and I probably won't be because I don't really like the Matrix that much,...
Thanks guys. I actually made this out of pure boredom, but after I read step two and three I actually started to take this more seriously. ((As...
Hello, Dark Lite Forge. Welcome to Forge Hub. As you may know, we are a successful forum and we are always seeking new members! =) I'd suggest...
Final Fantasy. :)
=( When are we going to do the rp battle?
This topic has so many divisions and key points for me to answer that I don't know where to begin. How about the main question itself. Oh well,...
[IMG] This game might be a next the WoW.
The General Chat is really supported with Reynbow with news. I agree, however, that some topics should be moved to the off topic section and this...
The third multiplayer map pack will feature at least two new maps. It will most likely be sold for $10.00 (800 Microsoft Points) like the previous...
Are you a new member? Are you looking to increase your posts? Do you want your first introduction to be sweet? Then follow these steps. 1....