Indeed good sir. =) So how's looking for a job?
I know. I read the topic. Does he have tape on his mouth? ;)
=P Did you actually believe me? Lol. I thought it was the stork that was pregnant!
Everyone knows that Rare sold out to Xbox 360. Proven fact.
It's simple... Kill The Yavimayan.
DrawingMan was telling me how you were pregnant! ^_^ His sister is gonna drink some beer, go to a party, then shrivel up in the corner and call...
Dreams don't come true, sorry to awake you. =P That is so cute though! =^_^=
DQ's lovable sister. =P So when is the baby coming out?
I feel very sorry for your finances. So I'm going to give you +1000 rep points.. I think thats zero dollars in america terminology..,
Kinky. =O I would also recommend you and DrawingMan send private messages to each other. You'll never guess who's reading them!
The Shotgun was from 1947. The Battle Rifle was from 1972. The Assault Rifle was from 1956. The more you know!
Banjo-Kazooie Preorder Bonus Announced Plus wallet friendly price details. by Erik Brudvig August 19, 2008 - Microsoft is looking to make...
So... What are you wearing. ;D
The list of games that I want in this order: 1. Gears of War 2 2. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3. Resident Evil 5 4. Fable II 5. Call of Duty:...
Gopher seems really panic. How is my review hub buddies doing? Anything happening with the topic, or uhh.. With your life? I'm starting to think...
Geo-merging... on a Pre-DLC map? Impossible... Pics or it didn't happen. =P
Review Fool's Highway. Just recommending a map. >_>
Lol. Just don't forget to bring the bubble bath and the sponge.
And then in the end you got pregznet.
It was this thing on I think it was a MGSO machinima, where colonel cuddles was his rubber ducky. =P