So I found a uzi in the hotel at Campos. (I assume it's a hotel) This was on a pretty empty server so no one was there. I decided to push my luck...
Some of my semi-crappy gameplay Hawken Open BETA Gameplay - YouTube
Only thing I hate is that film Grain effect. It's ugly, annoys my eyes, and degrades the overall quality.
Play this along side Hawken MechAssault OST Mech Battle Theme 3 - YouTube
Looks pretty good. Just wondering is Sketch up faster than just roughing it out on the xbox?
I'v gotta check this out. Message or add me on Live sometime and I'll help you test it. I'd love to do a video on this for you also. GT= Grif otaged
Meh, I did that same thing in Halo Reach.
Currently yeah
That movie will be incredible awesome, or incredibile stupid.
Its an Open Beta now so anyone can jump in, but there's glitch currently so they haven't released the game client.
[IMG] HAWKEN is a free-to-play, online, multiplayer, mech-based first-person shooter that puts you in the pilot seat of a giant robotic war...
Hi. Welcome to ForgeHub. Go ask Sarge for recon.
A map I made in about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Halo 4 Draxus MF7 Timelapse - YouTube
You should send me some footage, and I'll record some clips in HD for you. Great looking map!
Halo 2 Vista...
Halo 4 Forge Tutorial - Gravity Train Breakdown - YouTube
Well I heard THQ's stock rose so that's good. My PC can just barely run these games. Graphics card is the issue. Good deals.
I don't see how a free title update is making Microsoft loose or gain money...
I have lighting in theater. I did this video. Halo 4 Rustlung preview - YouTube
lol nope. It will either get insanely bright or insanely dark. Plus the shadows would be gone.