Well how do you like your dumplings? White or Dark meat, because I get some of both and as the cream? Well'd your outta luck there.
This is supposedly an image of the Halo 3 port back in 2009. http://pcgamingcorner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/halo3pc.jpg Bungie...
looks pretty nice. The center room in particular looks perfect for alot of action, however don't over use the 4 way TV screen. I saw it used on...
*Map title in working. I started this earlier today and it took about an hour to an hour and a half. It's pretty small and I thought about...
Rustlung is a small, wide open, 2v2/4v4 map. I'm not sure if I setup hills for KOTH but if you want me to, I will. The spawns I'm not sure, so I...
Star Wars Battle Front 2. The Mech Assault games. While there not insanely old, updated graphics, better voice casting and enhanced multiplayer...
So I finally made a audio visualizer in After Effects, and as it turns out was insanely simple. I'll work adding some effects like glow and what...
Heh seems like alot of us started out in Runescape. Never been a fan of the anime style MMO's so this seems like a good break. Just signed up for...
Here ya go ;P http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34743421/003%20(3).JPG
Statuary was inspired from Midship (Halo 2) and Heretic (Halo 3). It's prob 70% done here. Still need to fix some of those gaps on walls and...
or just use a program like Paint.net and use the Magic Wand tool to select the background then simply hit delete. It will keep it's transparency
Ha that forklift is pretty neat.
How Much Does The Internet Weigh? - YouTube
You know If I was smart in mapping and open sauce I'd do a ODST campaign using that
haha – 'as well as his next ice cream sandwich.' Nice job dude! Working at Bungie is pretty much a dream job for everyone here, so...
What is Blu-ray? (Blu-ray, Blu-ray Disc, not Blue-ray or Blu-ray DVD) jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the...
Not bad, I lol'd a few times.
Welcome! Go ask sarge for recon.
That's my graphics settings.