Sega Dream Cast- Sonic Adventure Xbox- Halo CE Xbox360- Halo 3 PC- none
Haha I know. It's my first time. It's **** pretty much but meh.
Faces are super hard. Dat derp [IMG]
It's fairly and fun and pretty chaotic with alot of players. KOTH works well here. Fun mini-game.
Only Spartan Ops. You guys act like you've never had to have Gold to play Matchmaking.
I love Landfall and Skyline for Slayer. Landfall was pretty good on extraction. I hate Skyline flag though. Way to small and we need to go back to...
Yeah like I said it's very small so it really can't comfortable support it. It took about an hour and twenty minutes all in one sitting to make...
A small map, mainly aesthetic but it could support a very cramped 1v1. Halo 4 Forge :: The making of Adjutant - YouTube...
There already a gametype like this... Swat. Only difference is you're changing the weapons. Don't take the wrong way. With a good map to go along...
The strict barriers will prevent us.
Themed after Forerunner architecture. I won't finish adding details until I finish up a few current projects. There's also a little detail outside...
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My name is Anita - Bonita - Benifah - Halifah - Shenifah - Shalifah - Alifah - Shenequa - Allasandra - Kassandra - Kandiyohi - Aquenetta - Rosa...
Have you guys considered that some things CAN NOT be fixed simply because it's to much to alter without harming another system.
Yeah it happened to me too. Gets to 99 then goes back to 0 then jumps to 97-99 then o again. Loops a few times then an error pops up. From 343i...
Landfall reminds me of Long Shore from Halo 3. Looking for forward to it. Monolith reminds me of Snowbound but seems bleh to me as I prefer more...
Prob not drivable. Most likely just in the background flying around. I'm hoping we get a trailer this Monday.
SkyLine [IMG] Landfall [IMG] Monolith [IMG] [IMG] Source::...
Hell I remember in like 2003 when I made an account. My user was slayor504 because When I was 6-7 ish I had no idea how to spell slayer. Good ol...