Lol thanks. I actually saw a couple of posts on reddit recently from people who claimed to have played the internal halo 4 beta. They said that...
Camo Sniping is a cheaper tactic than Shotty camping if you ask me. At least when someone is in Shotty range you have a slight chance of seeing...
I know few people agree with me, but I actually think Halo 3 did nades the best. I know they weren't that strong compared to CE or even Reach, but...
I disagree that JP has been nerfed too hard. You can still use it to get high enough to have a significant jump on people, getting multiple shots...
I've said this before, but buff the Thruster. Not to Evade levels, but make it first person again and increase the distance you thrust to...
:) flr
I shouldn't pretend that my posts were made with the coolest of heads, either...
Those were power weapons, the AR was a starting weapon. I know it wasn't as powerful as the hand cannon, but nothing was. Imo the only...
Or they can enjoy the main game experience and still have a negative opinion on a specific part of a side aspect of the game. Black and white...
Wait, what?
Sigh, are we really doing this again? I'm disappointed in you. How about you enjoy the game and stop being so hung up on what other people think....
Or they could just do the obvious and just not use random hill order. I know people dislike having it predictable, but balanced + predictable >...
Halo 4 map forums? The web interface for fileshares hasn't gone up yet, map forums will open when it does.
Agreed with Auburn. In terms of when to use effects, I quite like when montages save things like camera shake and slow down for a really sick...
Just grabbing attention I guess, though I agree it seems a little silly once you actually read the article. Yup. I've updated the OP text to...
OP updated to cite and quote original CVG article, which is clearer on the issue.
Again, artist's impression. That said, the box could just be a little bigger than it looks, making the slot normal size. Look at the superdrive...
It's worth noting that this is an artist mock up based on what their sources have said about specs, materials used and general appearance, though...
I bought one recently, too. It was because the old one broke, though, and I wasn't gonna be without an Xbox for Halo 4.... If it makes you feel...
Oh God. Yes you are. Whilst it's not a great map in the grand scheme of things, I think Complex is actually the second best of Halo 4's 4v4...