Even after stripping shields and adjusting damage settings (which, might I add, messes with the rest of the game), the AR does not play in the...
Nintendo are a very interesting case when it comes to keeping old franchises alive, and even maintaining their mainstream appeal. However, one is...
The gun mechanics are fundamentally different in a way that you really can't emulate, and Halo still has a strong pick-up element to the weapon...
Yup, edited my post. As I said there, the market is split now in a way it wasn't at all during Halo 3's release. I think that's testament to the...
Comparing the lifetime sales figures of a game that's been out 5 years to one that's been out a month or two? Not very convincing. EDIT: Checked...
Figures? I'm pretty sure it outsold Reach massively. What exactly does "lower than we might have expected" mean? Forge is, again, a very...
I have to say, this attitude has always confused me. I think it's symptomatic of this assumed mandate of "progress" inherent in how people view...
A very interesting idea. Unless I'm mistaken, the ordnance meter is based on anything which gains you points, so actually playing the objective...
Is it, now? I don't think those two things are necessarily connected.
Your list is missing instant respawn/X to respawn, which I think is one of the most fundamental changes because it affects the basics of strategy...
Yeah, Reddit has never made sense. Lol.
Happy cakeday!
/r/Halo loves you!
Flood Gametype - Slenderman : halo
HEY. You know I liked Reach :P. Yeah, that's true. I liked Reach battle mechanics, but loadouts and AAs were done very badly. Halo 4 is leaps...
It's not actually "random" though, is it? Being hard to judge doesn't make it random. I don't want to get in to the whole melee bleed vs. no...
Not being able to personally do better has squat to do with whether you can criticise it or not. Are you saying that the entire gaming critic...
So now "reliving Halo 3" has extended to playing anything below BTB? -.-
CE Pistol had decent spread if you held the trigger (aka. being a dumbass) and, I believe, a tiny amount if you feathered. But that doesn't...
You hating it doesn't make it unbalanced.