I think there is, iirc it was glitched until the update so I never saw it. Should be working now.
I always wish you'd just been able to turn off certain announcer notifications. The annoyance of hearing a gameplay mechanic which is beneficial...
Indeed, not exactly a happy bunny right now. Here is a thread on reddit with links to the Xbox LIVE service page (which includes an...
I saw a fascinating article about how internet interactions affects us as social creatures. The idea was that the internet allows us to filter...
You're a born assistant ;). I'm still working on my strafe, it's harder than it should be due to the DMR and BR both being pretty damn easy to aim...
Beautiful clip, dude. Mid-air shots are great. I love the Rail Gun, I think we're gonna see clips like this a lot in the better Halo 4 montages,...
I would love to assist when you're ready. Sitting tight atm, waiting for those goons to fix the map pack pass issue!
I don't think it's to do with toning down the graphics, but rather the way they set up netcode for online co-op. I think it doesn't use the same...
I'd still consider the Concussion Rifle to be a lower tier power weapon, certainly not higher than the Sticky Detonator.
What a depressing view on women... I think you might need to find some new ones.
Agreed. I think history will appreciate the Boltshot as the plague of Halo 4 in terms of weapons. I'd personally prefer if it just wasn't a 1SK...
It is easily the glitchiest Halo, the fact that glitchier games have existed in the history of gaming is not an excuse. Particularly for something...
Then why bring your irrelevant gripes in to this thread and tie it in to the discussion about updates being for profit? If you've got an axe to...
You said that a few years ago this bitching didn't happen. It did. Now you admit you didn't even play then, so where is this coming from? Halo 3...
Yeah, the amount of bitching about bugs and gameplay balances in Halo 2 was huge, don't pretend this is a new phenomenon.
But it's still a stupid argument. No one is denying that these companies exist to make profit at their core. That's what companies do. The point...
If you do a charge shot, then hit reload at precisely the right time after firing, you get a near instant reload and can charge shot again...
You're welcome. The article above contains a video, it's probably easier if you just watch that to get a feel for what he's done, but it looks...
I personally think it's much better than FFA Regicide because it's balanced better and the points function in way which rewards the better...