Hey when's the next BIOC round? I'm on holidays and my arm's alrighty so I'm hoping to get in one of Minions lobbies if he's still hosting.
I don't know I've always felt weird about having elites defending grey structures. All those inclines/ramps make the map look kind of...
This isn't finished but I'd love some feedback. Take into consideration the restrictions of forging on Ridgeline. Map Name: Serenus Gametype:...
TDT Duke Nukem, make sure you test it before putting it in the library!!!
Game labels: For the core you set up your core spawn with inv_obj_flag and the cap with just inv_obj. Spawn Sequence: Objectives and...
Map: Serenus Canvas: Ridgeline Gametype: Invasion Players 12-16 DL for current Version:Serenus There are both advantages and disadvantages to...
1. Why would that be specific for COD and not Halo? If you're directing this at the quality of Call of Duty games, I'm afraid that's a tad...
Not exactly but similar.. Frankie said they're not called perks, my guess is that they basically will be. If armour effects gameplay, it will be...
That's the thing I don't want it but it's how I see 343 taking it :/.
How I see armor effecting gameplay. Armour Attachments that slightly effect the game. Vision Headlight- Doesn't need explanation. Night...
I bent my ulna bone out of place while playing footy on Sunday so I can't play xbox at all. I'm in a full arm cast. I'm really sorry, I was...
Dammit I forgot :S Sorry. Curious, are there any hosts in Australia. Time difference really sucks sometimes.....
If it's a 'work in progress' it probably shouldn't be posted in the maps section. Only finalised maps go here, you should contact a purple guy to...
Yeah but if you take that option in his maps its pretty just an assured death. His maps are way too cramped for warthogs to be an option at all. I...
Don't have time this week mate :(
While it is true that spartans in warthogs can just spam the turret, the map size would seem to counter that as Oakley has already said. That...
Please don't test the old version of Dust District, please play with the updated version. Links below.... Map:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File...
You'd actually be surprised how much of those back buildings and streets are used. I managed to get a bit of a lobby together to test it. In the...
I know it's unlikely but I would really like a new mode that is strictly a terrain/piece editor. I love forge and I want it to stay the same way...
I'm new too. I even made the mistake of posting a preview in the maps section because I didn't know........... I'm such a noob.