Hey waterfall, you posted on my thread about keeping Dominion alive. Could you please post your comment on the halo waypoint thread I linked...
I understand that Dominion is getting cut for a reason (population), however Dominion is one of the games defining gametypes. Not to mention the...
Hey guys, as you know Dominion is being removed from its place as a regular playlist in Halo 4. 343 are proposing that it be put into a rotational...
Map Preview: Transmission by RegrettedKarma6 Link Transmission will be my MYM submission in September. It still needs a lot of testing and...
Aaah, kind of annoyed. Just hit level 49 with my commando but I'll have to wait for next week to hit max level. Going camping and need to pack. :/...
I'm a little confused about the Thoughtlock skill. It says that it alters the action skill from locking down enemies to turning the enemies on...
Does anyone else think it is odd seeing the sniper without tracer rounds?
New Halo 4 Beta Spartan Laser+Sniper Rifle Clip! - YouTube
I am most definitely going to call this cockwaffle. Ahaha. Apart from that, congratulations on finally getting this out there. I still have only...
I think they are their mo-cap counterparts.
Are you sure you have labelled these spawns correctly? You'll want to use hill markers for your fireteam spawns. Label them with “INV_RES_P1,”...
No Waterfall, if you were actually observant you would see otherwise. When chief fights the crawlers he switches from the Battle Rifle to the...
Why was the needler one of the ordinance drops? And it seems like all these new forerunner weapons incinerate enemies even in multiplayer, 343i...
Battlefront 2 Burnout 3:Takedown Pokemon Crystal Jet Set Radio Future Pikmin Super Smash Bros
I'm doubting that waterfall....... Don't take Halo4Follower's speculation too seriously. The reason they came up with elites being excluded in mm...
14. I don't really think of age as that important though.
Umm wow....... Totally relevant mate. Anyway it's called Halo 4 and it launches November 6th. Keep up to date ;)
Is anyone else dreading more multiplayer news? A massive forge announcement, Spartan Ops info and Campaign info would give me sufficient reason to...
Really? While I really don't want to bash 343, this is beyond ridiculous. I try to remain optimistic but every little detail that comes out dims...
Hey Oakley. You probably don't remember me. I was asking you for advice on my map probably like two months ago, it was the invasion map on...