Not even an attempt to be subtle ahahah.
Added KOTH, Oddball and cleaned up a little geometry.
RegrettedKarma6 updated Nero with a new update entry: Gametypes and cleaning. Read the rest of this update entry...
You messaged me on Xbox that you couldn't download it off the leaderboards, so I'm guessing it wasn't in - Friends, Campaign Timing, Easy,...
Yeah you can, I played around with this, there's a gametype called 'Half-Time Ricochet' where it's exactly like you described just in rounds.
RegrettedKarma6 submitted a new map: Nero - A symmetrical 4v4 built with competitive play in mind. Nero is my second time completely finishing a...
Nero is my second time completely finishing a 4v4 map, as a result the design is quite safe. Disregarding this safeness, I think this map...
I think radially would be the fairest in terms of design, but perhaps not the easiest in terms of clarity. Zoned scoring would make more sense for...
[IMG] Still need to clean it up and setup gametypes, but here's the...
Added a video for more insight, ty Zandril.
RegrettedKarma6 submitted a new map: Cache - A, 3 atrium, asymmetrical 2v2 built for TS, KOTH and Ball. Cache is a bk 2v2 I whipped up a few...
Cache is a bk 2v2 I whipped up a few months ago before I went AWOL. I was reasonably happy with the build and was content to release it but then...
Did Eden get looked at?
Wow. Are they serious? I looked at this and thought it was a bit of a joke really. Who the **** wants to watch only symmetrical maps? Skyward...
[media] An abandoned supply depot has become the site for desperate struggles. Asymmetrical, 4-8 Players. TS, FFA, KOTH, Ball, HT Ricochet. So...
I figured this one out but couldn't recreate it, it was infuriating.
It would be non optimal as 8 v 8 Dominion tends to add a lot of clutter to the gametype, and it also removes the ability to forge mm style maps...
That's a pretty harsh statement to make Schnitzel, people have this thing called preferences you know. I respect that you might not like Dominion...