Uhhh, what the **** did I just watch?
yeah, LIKE WHO
Yeah, plus I doubt they don't plan on albums or **** like that for artists like this, just singles and venues. They'll either have them release an...
YouTube - KREAYSHAWN - BUMPIN BUMPIN *OFFICAL MUSIC VIDEO‏ Dude I don't get it, but ****ing people just blow up off of the internet these...
it was you@
If someones IP banned can they even lurk or no?
God dammit why didn't it come out in caps. I kinda wanted it to come out like who was phone but it doesn't work like that. Anyway lol, I'll...
.so who was wings of icarus?
Holy **** a new episode of Salad Fingers came out and I remember watching it yearsssssss back when I was way young probably around 10 or 11, and...
Yeah, it never worked out for an proxy. Why'd he up and leave anyway?
Lmao. If it is a proxy why not kindly tell someone that he forgot his **** to the other account rather than playing it off nonchalantly when it...
I don't understand, if I'm a friend with your gamertag and I see you online, wouldn't you be on your gamertag? Which arises the question who was...
Mace is a prick
Ohhh, ok. Welp, **** happens
Well why doesn't he just post on his actual account then or whatever lol? IS he banned or something?
So could someone explain to me what happened to RST, apparently I missed it :\
****in' bowlcuts bro. God dammit Staten Island can be boring sometimes. It's always the same ****
I would throw up some east coast gesture, but I forgot em all so...yeah
That's exactly what I'm saying. Is that a west coast only thing?
Well that was unexpected.