Could someone who has the standard edition clarify for me if you have access to 6 or all 8 specializations (with the 'gift' 343 is giving everyone...
God that video was brilliant. I've gained a lot of confidence in 343 since the game was originally announced, and that video just reinforces it....
I'm pretty sure he's saying that it's a new map that we haven't seen/heard of yet, not a new blank canvas of a map. Also, earlier in the thread...
I'm almost certain I've watched a video interview with a 343 rep explaining why they weren't allowing custom mapping for controls, sadly though I...
You're living the dream that many of us have, congratulations and good luck!
Source? Though I don't doubt that the skull is related somehow to the Forerunners or Humans, as both are said to be similar.
Have flyable planes actually been confirmed yet? I know they've been hinted at, and in some cases actually shown, so it's safe to assume they are...
Hey, welcome back!
well that's awkward
wat ..
I just fell in love with them after watching theneedledrop. Their bastard/lemonade cover is amazing.
Hey, this is just completely random, but if you're ever to come back I'd like to apologize for being such an ass to you back in the day. I used to...
I concur
**** dude happy birthday!
Hey guys, remember that kid from way back when who started the whole meme thing "I'm 13 and almost have a girlfriend" ****? Could someone spare a...
Holy **** lol.... What an ungrateful little **** I used to be
It's so nostalgic being back here, feels bad man
Where am I?
I'm glad to see that you're in the lead
What are these God damn scores!??!