Omg wow I remember your name vividly, I feel like we argued a lot haha how's it going?
Just wanted to say that I remember being an annoying kid and looking up to you, you were very nice and never condescending to me even though you...
What's good FAM
I know this is random af, but I noticed on SergeantSarcasms profile you said he passed away last June, is that true? What a shame
Forgehub was my life back in the day lmao
I wasn't very close with Lightsout but I remember his talent with maps and how nice of a person he was. He's given people thousands of hours of...
Lol blast from the past, hope you're good wherever you're at
Has anyone else not received a specialization code in their email or Xbox Live? I know it's kind of late, but I never did even though I qualified...
So, has anyone gotten the specialization code in their email? I still haven't ;_;
I'm pretty satisfied with how in-depth the online waypoint stats are for yourself, though a little disappointed with those for someone else. You...
You are correct, sorry for the misinformation! It appears that for many people regicide tracking was bugged, and because of that for some people...
Yes, it appears both Regicide challenges are bugged. Just a note though, regicides aren't just king kills, but they're also considered kills as...
Thanks man, and it belated congrats on Mod!
Has anyone else tried this and can confirm it works? If so, this could be a great substitute for now, so thanks for the info!
Halo 4 revived me!
sounds juicy
Does anyone have any official word from 343 themselves regarding this? I'm wondering how exactly it works, and when it will (hopefully) be removed.
That does sound quite annoying. I'm surprised they didn't include a search option that could disallow this from happening. Maybe in a later update...
Lol I didn't really know what else to call it, but 343 has said that anyone who plays Multiplayer before November 20th will have access to either...