I'm allowed to say it's old and you can get over that. If it was something small then yeah it would come off as an asshole but this **** was big...
Exactly it's a discussion thread, e x a c t l y. I discussed. It's old, that's my thoughts. ;)
Never said you couldn't make a thread about it and don't really care if you do. Cool, *High Fives all around. Yes, if you watch the documentary on...
That's cool, you're the one that got so offended by me saying it's old news. Then you said dates weren't posted yet and they were. I really don't...
Dealt with it, deal with it being old news. Dates were said on discovery channel, find it on youtube and look at dates posted. ;)
Old news brother. You didn't see this on the discovery channel like a year ago?
From the pictures the actual play area doesn't seem impressive at all, however your structures are very clean and heavily forerunner inspired and...
Overall I just feel the map is way to linear, plain, and boring. It doesn't leave a whole lot of options for the player and firefights will be the...
I just think they should stop wasting resources on Halo 4 and use them towards Halo 5. Halo 5 is probably still on the production board on how...
Halo 5 should be the next update.
I think you could of down sized the map a bit, put it on the smaller island so you didn't have to waste resources on that rock wall. that would of...
I am half way through Blue-print and I'm very impressed with it. It's over 200 pages long and includes a large library of videos that cover the...
Very well forged! My favorite map from Halo 3 and you did an awesome job of not only to scale, but making it look very attractive as well. Job...
There's nothing wrong with a lot of routes, to me though, it just seems like that all it is is a bunch of interconnected routes and no solid...
The map looks like it needs a lot more dance floor and for players to actually feel comfortable in a shoot out. To me, it just seems like a lot...
I think it's actually the opposite. Most people plan out their weekends and have a lot of stuff to take care that they couldn't during the week...
Thanks for your take on Level Design. There are much more in-depth articles and whole websites that we level designers have read already,...
This thing use to fill up in one hours time, what happened? :S
This will actually be my last lobby for awhile here as I will not be making any more maps for awhile as well. I'm on the verge of making a dream...
Thanks for putting that in a spoiler, holy hell.