He said he wanted to do it for a higher purpose, my question in that regards was > has he even made an attempt to do so yet? he said he applied......
wOW Oo... years of training... no way. I thought more along the line of a few days would suffice? It has nothing to do with the amount of training...
You thought about what I had to say in a short-minded way. Have you served your country in any way? You can't screen sanity and what will happen...
50% I did think you were serious b/c people make some pretty dumb comments... I never meant it to be serious, I just think people took my remarks...
People are just tired of the same ****.
I assume that is a joke?
There's already a thread here about this.
We meant isolated as in no Face to Face interaction besides the other 3 you go there with and eventually maybe more crew members if the operation...
It's not, it's about what you want to do with your life. Some are doing this b/c of that, others are not. Not everyone wants to go for that...
It's not a movie or a book, it's a video game. If everything is realistic, then you have no video game. In reality thinking, that far ahead in...
For the two of you that voted yes, here's what you're getting yourself into: [media] Here's the qualifications. Sign up here. Good luck!
Matty, Matty.... have you signed up? The question is, would you go. You guys are missing that entirely by arguing how important it is for us to...
'Or attempted to go to mars.' Let me answer your question with a question, would you go Pacmon? If so, have you signed up? Why not? hmmm.......
Well, me being knowledgeable of this first hand being deployed to Iraq, twice. Afghanistan, and Korea... Iraq being the worst in 2004, shortly...
Insult me all you want, I could care less. Just know that you're thin-skinned... edit* I'll actually remove that comment, don't want to 'hurt'...
Animal Instincts will kick in once the mind starts to break. Even if every man is evenly 'equipped' with one female, you don't really expect...
Things that can go very wrong (that I know off hand) -Explosion during take off -Explosion in the air after take off (lol) -Tech problems in route...
Thanks for insulting me for the like the 10th time. :) Now where have I insulted you yet? and.... it's still old news
What they can't teach you is how to stay sane.
It's more of a sacrifice. There is no promise of survival, no promise you will even make it there. Plus once you there, you... are... there....