Well, if the prduct's good, why change it? Halo Reach and 4 made Halo progressively worse. CoD grew better and CoD favors most people's votes b/c...
You're a mod, of course you can. :) Never said you couldn't, mean t every word. Only reason I deleted it is b/c that's not where the message...
PC - Doom/Road Rash (can't remember which first) NES - Mario SNES - Super Mario Playstation - Twisted Metal Playstation 2 - Armored Core Xbox -...
Let's go into detail about this since some of you think I'm being to close-minded about it, shall we: By 2033: MARS ONE plans on having 20...
Where did I say technology? Do you know how long it takes to construct such massive things with a very sharp attention to detail and knowledge....
Then those teams of engineers and warehouse bays, etc etc on need to be on Mars as well. You see all that happening with the next 50-100 years?...
Very good outlook on it. I feel the same way.
Everyone understands that if we start populating Mars that we will eventually have the ability to send people back to Earth, but... will it happen...
So you agree it will happen. Now it's an assumption to consider that nothing bad will come from it. I think the way MARS ONE should think is to...
I wouldn't go off anything off of the MARS ONE FAQ's... they won't admit any flaws b/c it is all propaganda and they need to make themselves look...
Halo Reach gave us forge world and the start of the whole story. Halo 4 ruined multiplayer and 'dug' for a 'new' story. Your views on a new...
You're not opening your mind enough. They pre-build the armor on the space craft right? It cannot be changed once flight has begun. So they cannot...
Yes they could and that's the change it needs. I'm glad you're finally seeing it my way! But none of that is original. :( I also meant perfection...
Ok, I wasn't going to go and waste my time getting all the useless facts straight. I think I got my point across and the fixes weren't needed....
They're all one-way trips. No returns. Once you're there, you're there. Didn't they make that clear? A spacecraft needs a launching station, a...
I like Halo 2 and 3 as much as anyone else here, but in reality they need a drastic change to win back the audience. They can't improve though,...
Ok fellars, let's look at each Halo and why they did so well and then look at Halo 4, shall we? ;) Halo: CE First Halo, new game that brings a...
The only one who made assumptions here is you. I meant actually see your family members, hug, hold, kiss, see face to face. Figured that was...
Seems like the first intelligent response on here from me :). I think you could be even a psychotherapist and still faill to control the mind b/c...
What comes around goes around.