Nemi deserves it too, but Hat is ausome too. I hopezz they both win actually. Good luckzz again!
IDK, I belive in it and I'm not playing 25th but IDK if it workzz. We will see in a few days. LOWER GUNs, LOVE PLAYERs! Join their group also...
I love all of those exept Ressistance and Oblivian. But thats me. I don't know what I hatezz. I will edit when I think!
Nice map, for a min the garden looked lookd like a couch. Cool bed, though if this is playable, you should'nt have an armory or shop for guns....
Cool, I don't make many Mini Games though. I will wait until ends and see how it goes. I may or moy not post for the map, I hope they are good...
Pretty good and new for MLG. But I think you should make the wall corners on the ground geomerged. 5/5 and a DL forzz it. Also I will try and...
You need to repost those pics. They are not working, as for the one that do, 5/5 on the dragin and the thing in the corner. But the helicopter...
This map is nice, kinda boring, but original. I give 4/5 and a DL for nowzz. I will try with friends and test, then I will tell you how it goes,...
Yea, I think he should too. I will join the group in a min and hope he will winzz. Good luck Hat!!!!!
Yea me two. I thought Purple Reign wa the best. I really can't wait for it to come out though, The PZX thing looked cool also. Its coming out...
I know no one cares, but this is a preview of my new map, Shipment Chaos. Here are the two preview pics! Also this isn't even HALF the map!...
Wow dude how are you warned? I didn't see YOU do anything I'm watching you!
I will post my new map, its from COD4, "Mile High Club". Thats goes to the fileshare!
I have seen and done this before, this is just lag. It actually happens alot if someone leaves and a black screen comes up RIGHT after you throw...
Never seen this before, though havn't seen many switches at all. This can be helpful for my new mapzz, thankzz. 5/5 and a DL to check it out better!
Mile High Club By Forgyforge and ssMR 47ss This map, is yes, from COD4. I got bored one day and decided to make a COD4 level. So I picked this...
But its A LITTLE bit better. Barley.
I'm sorry, I didn't notice it. Great job again though!
Because I spammed like, 8 or 9 times(not much, but they were honest reviews)and thats realy all.
You made it with too much equitmen. Spread it out. Other than that 3/5. I may or may not DL.