Pretty cool. Good idea to block flag out, good interlocking. 4/5 and a DL and an idea. Though this isn't very origninal.
I like more then half of those, but the ones I don't like have a boring abckground. 5/5 for most of them.
Looks easy to make and boring. Sorry, but this kinda very boring so no DL or rate, but if I did, 3/5.
This contest is for fun. Nothing but rep is added. Sorry, but thats all. Rules : Interlocking and Geomerging is acceptable Only your map Only...
I thought this would be diff. This is still cool, nothing special though. 3/5 and No DL sorry.
Kinda like a normal interlocked Foundry. Looks good, and cool name BTW. But to casual to mezzz. No DL(though no one should care)and rate 3.5/5
Hey dood. Welcome to Forgehub. Read rules and start postin(if you want). I hope that youllzzz enjoy website. hahass
To me I actually liked the other better. A few of these changes I like but.....Some of them I don't. Like the second passage in the back. 4/5...
I don't want to be judge, just sayingzz. I will make one of these in a min. I hopezz you will enjoy. And I saw its for outside. Forge shall be...
Nice effects. The hand could be better though. Also this is pretty funny, but no DLzz. 4/5 thoughzzzzzzzzzzz.
HAHA. It looks like a statue. And yes Very funny. HAHAHAHAHAHA. 5/5 and a DL though I may forget, because I don't DL many pics. Good Job though!
THIS IS AUSOME. I can't wait until it comes out. Thanks for the achievments BTW.
Also let me tell you, if your saying I took 3 weeks to make this, your crazy. It took me around about 5 or 6 hours. Now I am working on new...
Its like he his Chuck Norrising the wall. Hilarias, but you should change name. You don't have too, it's just I weould.
Fix the wheels alittle and give a pic of the inside. 4/5 and a DL from me, I realy like it.
MUHAHAHAHA this is ausome, give me mapzz. I need to see, I will find lifts yayzz.
Thats cool, hard to see though, I know it shows the rules, also I like your rofl copter SIG, that funny!
Cool I see now. I votezz 5/5 and DL. I like the needler pit and tunnels. Hope 4 more, and thinks for posting the pics for him.
This is ausome, I have never played Bomerman, but if its like this I might. This is ausome, great aeststics, and interlocking. I will DL and...
I know how too, I will take one of these with sniper and post too. Matrix is cool on Halo also when light bluezz. I will post it tomorraw.